Quick SearchWelcome to Prague Hotels quick search page, where you'll find detailed information on all of our accommodation offerings. Search our database by name, locality or price. Here's how:-If you know the name of your desired lodging but don´t remember where you found it on our site, simply enter the name (or part of it) into the "search term" field and click "Submit". -Use the "Locality" heading to find accommodations in different Prague boroughs. For best results, leave the "Search terms" and "Price max" field blank. Oh and keep in mind that the historical parts of Prague - the section you`ve seen the most beautiful pictures of, is Prague 1. Luckily for you we offer more than 45 separate accommodation offerings in Prague 1 alone. -To search according to price, simply enter a maximun amount in Czech crowns or EUROS next to the "Price max." field. The Quick Search is also useful when you want to see if Prague Hotels offers a hotel or other accommodation that you may have read about, or was recommended to you by friends. Please keep in mind that the search function only pertains to accommodation offerings and will not help you find places of interest, landmarks, or other such information about Prague. For those answers, please see our Prague Info page. |